Vintage Envelopes - The Perfect Snow Day Project

Have you ever felt like you just have to create something or you'll burst? Well, I had one of those days last week. It was snowing outside. The world around me was silent as perfect little flakes drifted gently down from heaven. Unfortunately, those perfect little flakes ruined my plans for the day. The gathering I had planned to attend was canceled. And I suddenly found myself with extra time on my hands.
Now, I really can't complain. Although I was sad at not being able to see my friends that morning, having unexpected free time was a blessing. It was just a matter of deciding how to use my time. Should I finish the cleaning and laundry? Probably. Should I write the thank you notes I put off last week? Definitely. But instead, I found myself dreaming of a photo I saw on Instagram. The photo showed old weathered letters with wax seals dripping down the back. Something about them stuck with me. And so, it was settled. I wanted to create a rendition of those letters.

Thankfully I have a mother-in-law who is open to all of my crazy whims. When I explained my idea to her, she readily agreed to join in on the project. I packed up a bag of supplies and walked down the lane to her house. We spent the morning creating these lovely envelopes that you see in the photos. And here's how we did it -
What you will need:
Instant coffee
Paint brush
Envelopes (or paper)
Vintage stickers, stamps, or printed images that you like
Glue or double-sided tape
Step 1 - Brew instant coffee in a mug and let sit until it has cooled down enough to work with.
Step 2 - Brush your envelopes with the instant coffee. Be sure not to add too much coffee or you may end up with a wet hole in your envelope.
Step 3 - Gently dry your envelopes with a hair dryer
Step 4 - Add any stickers or accessories you would like, securing them with tape or glue.
Step 5 - Write a letter to a friend who would enjoy getting a special message in a beautiful envelope.
And that's it! Simple, fun, and beautiful.

As a disclaimer, please be careful if you decide to photograph your envelopes while burning candles. I may or may not have accidently caught one of my envelopes on fire...
Thanks for reading,