The March Hospitality Challenge
It's March! Are you ready for a new challenge?
This year Home in the Hollow is working towards posting a new challenge every month. These challenges are designed to help us grown in different areas. Last month we did the February Freezer Challenge. You can check out the final update in the forum by clicking here.

I want to invite you to participate in the March Hospitality Challenge.
The Goal: Host 2 different people (or groups of people) in your home.
The Catch: One person (or group) must be someone you’ve never had to your home before.
I know this can be intimidating! It’s intimidating for me too! But don’t sweat it! We’ll be sharing top tips for making hospitality an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Let’s get started!

You may be asking “Why should I go to all the work of cleaning my home, making a meal, and entertaining guests?” Great question!
Hosting is a great opportunity to connect and learn from others -
In our world, it’s all too easy to stay within our own sphere never talking to people outside our comfort zone. Even the internet is designed to show us more of what we “like.” We end up getting stuck in ruts or thought patterns. How can we grow, learn, and love others if we stay isolated?

Hospitality is a great way to build friendships -
My good friend, Laura, invited us to dinner over 2 years ago. As an introvert, I was a bit nervous by her invitation. Sure, we went to church together, but we hardly talked. Our lifestyles and personalities were completely different (or so I thought). What would we talk about? What would we do? Looking back, I am saddened by my reaction. Laura and Brian have become close friends. We really enjoy spending time with them. And guess what? We had WAY more in common than I ever would’ve imagined. I learned a valuable lesson from Laura. Stepping outside my comfort zones is healthy. Plus, it can lead to great rewards and lasting friendships.

Hospitality is a a Biblical command -
Romans 12:13 says “When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” Hebrews 13:1-2 says “Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angles without realizing it!” Hebrews 13:16 “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” Matthew 10:42 “And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.” I love what the Bible says about hospitality! Hospitality is about loving those around us. God doesn’t ask us to cook a five-course meal or serve dinner with silver spoons. We’re are asked to simply share what we have; even if it’s only a cup of water.

Real Life Example -
My great-grandmother provided a wonderful example of hospitality. She was never rich. In fact, for most of her life she was quite poor. But she didn’t let that stop her. Everyone knew her door was always open no matter the time. If you popped in unexpectedly, she would whip up a homemade meal and seat you at her table within minutes. Over the years, she hosted hundreds of people in her home. From preachers, to college students, to orphans, and even the homeless; everyone was welcome.
My great-grandmother encouraged me to open my home to others. She would always remind me: “People won’t remember what you served, but they’ll remember being made welcome.” At her funeral, many people came forward with memories of how she made them feel loved and welcomed during her 92 years.

As we work on the March Hospitality Challenge, let’s try to remember great-grandma's quote. It’s not about the food, or the decorations in your home. It’s about an attitude of service. It’s shifting the mindset from worrying about myself (what I’ll serve, if my house will be clean enough, etc.) to thinking about the person in your home (how can I make them feel welcomed and loved?).
Are you ready to participate in the challenge?
What you need to do:
This week ponder hospitality. Think about who you would like to invite to your home. It doesn’t necessarily need to be for dinner. You could have someone for breakfast, or teatime. Whatever works for you. Try to remember times when you visited someone and really felt welcome. What made you feel that way? How could you incorporate some of those things for your guests?

Next week we will be discussing practical tips for hosting, so be sure to look for the next blog post on Friday. Feel free to make use of the forum or the comment section below and let us know your thoughts and tips on hospitality. We love hearing from you!
Thanks for reading,