So You Want to Start A Garden?
Have you ever wanted to start gardening, but didn't know where to start? Well, have no fear! Today I am going to highlight my top tips for beginner gardeners. You'll be gardening like a pro in no time!

Don't go crazy!
I know, I know. Those seed catalogs are so tempting. Sometimes I think I want to try everything in the book! But as I've had to learn the hard way, sometimes too many ideas will cause you to burnout. Try opting to start with some "bomb proof" plants.
If you're interested in growing flowers, I would recommend Zinnias. In my opinion, Zinnias are one of the easiest flowers to grow. Give them a nice sunny spot, a little bit of water, and they will bloom their little hearts out. There are lots of colors and varieties, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding one you like.
I also highly recommend herbs. They are one of the easiest and most fun things to grow. You'll be ecstatic when you are shortly adding your herbs to omelets or doing diy projects with them. As an added bonus, they look fantastic in fresh arrangements throughout your house.

"Zinnias are one of the easiest flowers to grow. Give them a nice sunny spot, a little bit of water, and they will bloom their little hearts out."
Do your research
I am guilty of jumping into a few too many projects without being properly prepared. The solution? Do a little research. Take time to learn if your plant likes sun, or shade. Does it like a wet environment or dry? Is this something typically grown in your climate? When is the best time to plant it? If you can confidently answer those few questions, you're on your way!
In contrast, don't get stalled out by "analysis paralysis." It's easy to get overwhelmed and there is definitely something to be said for learning from good old trial and error. Don't be afraid to make mistakes (because you will!). Just enjoy the process with the knowledge that next time, you'll do even better!

Grow something you like
This one happens to me almost every year. I get caught up in those doggone seed catalogs. They get me every time! I tell myself I like radishes, or something of the sort, and end up with a row of something I'm not wild about. Not only do I have to eat my way through it; I've also lost space for growing something I really love.

Make sure to work with your space
If you only have a small space or are using pots, you wouldn't want to grow something like sweet potatoes. They are notorious for vining all around and creeping into other spaces. Instead pick a smaller or more container friendly option. (Nudge, nudge, herbs are a great option. If you can't tell, I'm a little obsessed!). Likewise, if you have a large area, you may want to consider growing larger plants that tend to spread to help cut back on your weeding. Shade is also a consideration. If you put sun-loving plants in a shaded area, you will get mediocre results. And vice versa, shade-loving plants will end up withered away by full sun.

Have Fun
Gardening is so much more than just reaping the harvest. It is a window into some of the wonders of nature. It is a time to learn. Make sure you take time to enjoy the process and notice all the many gifts your garden will give you!

Tell me your thoughts
If you are a first-time gardener, I would love to hear what you're planning to grow this year. And if you are a seasoned gardener what advice would you offer to those starting out?
As always, thanks for reading!