Quick and Easy Lip Balm

I love lip balm! Especially Burt's Bees. The pleasant tingle mixed with peppermint scent makes my chapped lips oh so happy. The downside - quality lip balm can be expensive. The solution - make your own! With the recipe I am about to share, I was able to make over 12 tubes of lip balm for less than sixty cents per tube.
On top of being frugal, it's also a breeze to make. Your friends and family will love getting this lip balm for birthdays or special occasions. I get several regular requests to make this recipe around Christmas time.
This recipe was adapted from The Seasoned Mom with permission granted to share this content with my readers. You can find the original recipe at www.theseasonedmom.com. Be sure to read to the end of the post to find some helpful tips and resources.

What You'll Need:
3 1/2 Tbsp of beeswax pastilles
5 Tbsp of coconut oil
5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil
In a glass measuring cup place the beeswax and coconut oil. You can melt the mixture in a double boiler. However, if you're looking for an easier method, microwave for 30 second intervals removing and stirring until thoroughly melted. Once melted add your essential oil and give it a good stir. Working quickly, pour the melted liquid into lip balm tubes. Let cool for a few hours then enjoy.

Tips and Resources:
If you prefer a softer lip balm, add a bit more coconut oil or slightly decrease the amount of beeswax. Likewise, lessening the coconut oil or increasing the beeswax will produce a firmer lip balm.
You can certainly use a block of beeswax and grate. Or you can melt down larger chunks separately. However, I find the beeswax pastilles to be much easier to work with and less of a mess. I buy mine from GloryBee. They have fantastic products and I highly recommend them. Check them out at www.glorybee.com. GloryBee has generously offered 15% off to my readers who create an account and use the code BFD15-GB20 at checkout.
I typically use peppermint essential oil in my lip balm. I have used other essential oils, but I keep coming back to peppermint. It's a star performer. As always, please do some research before adding essential oils to your lip balm. Be sure it is one that can safely be used on skin.
I like to line my counter with newspaper or an old towel to help make clean up an easier process. Beeswax can be messy! I would also recommend having an extra jar or container where you can pour excess lip balm. I ended up with 12 tubes and a small jar after making this recipe.
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