3 Poems For a Cozy Day at Home

Inspiration comes from a variety of places; music, photos, nature... But I have to say, there is something about reading poetry that compels my creativity. Today I am sharing 3 poems that captured my heart. I hope you can cozy in and catch the spirit of these beautiful words.
One day, as I was reading a farm magazine, I ran across this old poem. Charmed by it's beauty and simplicity, I kept it tucked away in a journal. I found it the other day, and was again taken by it's sweet glimpse of simpler days.
I did some research, and it seems that this poem was actually a folk song. Although the name of the poem and the author are unknown, it appears to have been written sometime before 1897. I love that this poem is a fleeting look into history and yet, still offers inspiration today.
Since I couldn't find a name for the poem I decided to give it my own name:
The Farmer's Wife

Up in the early morning
Just at the peep of day,
Straining the milk in the dairy,
Turning the cows away.
Sweeping the floor in the kitchen,
Making the beds upstairs,
Washing the breakfast dishes,
Dusting the parlor chairs.
Brushing the crumbs from the pantry,
Hunting for eggs in the barn,
Roasting the meat for dinner,
Spinning the stocking yarn.

Spreading the snow-white linen
Down on the bushes below,
Ransacking every meadow,
Where wild strawberries grow.
Starching their "fixins" for Sunday,
Churning their golden cream,
Rinsing the pails and strainer
Down in the running stream.
Feeding the geese and poultry,
Making puddings and pies,
Jogging the little one's cradle,
Driving away the flies.
Grace in every motion,
Music in every tone;
Beauty of form and feature,
Thousands might covet to own.
- Author Unknown
I am obsessed with the Cottagecore aesthetic. And this poem is the epitome of Cottagecore. When I read this poem, I imagine a tiny cottage along the English countryside where all are welcomed by its warm and glowing light. I am inspired to create a home where loved ones feel safe and welcomed. Where hot drinks and sweet treats are only a tea kettle away. A space where collected treasures join prized photos, fresh flowers, and family heirlooms. I place that tells our story and welcomes others to join.

Little Cottage
Where everything's just right
The windows bloom with tulips-
At dusk there’s candlelight.
The knotted oak beside it
Is webbed with ivy leaves
And honeysuckle tangles
In clusters round the eaves.
The friendly gate swings open
Against a low stone wall
Where quaint old-fashioned blossoms
Design a Paisley shawl;

And up the winding pathway
The stones with moss are grown-
I love that little cottage
Because it is my own.
- Virginia Wauchope Bass.
Last but not least, this poem celebrates all the little things that make life special. It challenges me to notice and appreciate the wonderful moments scattered throughout my day. There's much to be thankful for if only I open my eyes to see it.

Is a small wooden cottage
Filled with snuggly nooks
A tablecloth your grandma sewed
Dusty, well-loved books.
Is a candlelit dinner
Quilts on a canopy bed
An arch of blooming roses
High above your head

Is charming, old-fashioned
An echo of days gone by.
Modern life is convenient
But quaint should never die.
- Amy Ludwig VanDerwater
Leave me a comment and let me know what you thought of these poems. Please also feel free to share your favorite poem. I would love to hear it!
Thanks again for reading,