October on the Farm

Welcome to the farm!
October is one of my favorite months. So many lovely things happen in October. The leaves are changing. The field corn is being harvested. The windy cool days are perfect for wearing sweaters while you spend time exploring the great outdoors. I absolutely love the cozy feeling that October brings to the farm.
What I've been up to:
The month started with a celebration of our wedding anniversary. Caleb and I both took off work and had a lovely "staycation" together. We visited the local agricultural and industrial museum as well as some historic homes from the 1700's. We went to several local markets, restaurants, and shops. We watched movies, slept in, and worked on projects around the house. It was a very special and relaxing time together! If you want to read more about how Caleb and I met, you can read that story here.
In the garden we still have a few leeks, carrots, and onions. Most of the flowers are at the end of their short lives, but the Zinnias are still going strong. In the greenhouse, I've planted a few Kale and lettuce varieties. I'm excited to experiment with growing greens over the winter.
For my book this month, I read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This book gives me all the wonderful homemade cozy vibes of fall. Little House in the Big Woods is geared more for children, but I still love it! In fact, I would recommend everyone read it at least once. It gives such a fascinating glimpse into what life was like in the 1870's.
What Caleb's been up to:
Every year our area hosts a tractor show called Steam-o-rama. Caleb drove his 1950 Oliver 66 to the show and we spent several wonderful evenings looking at tractors, shopping the flea market, visiting with neighbors, and enjoying our local history. We even participated in a cast-iron skillet throwing contest. But, in my opinion, the best part of the show is watching the giant steam engines chug slowly along. Thinking about our ancestors using these machines to harvest their fields is just mind-blowing!
Although we were on "staycation" we actually did get some work done. Caleb caulked our leaking windows and re-contoured the area around the vegetable garden. Hopefully, now when it rains, it won't wash all the top soil out of the garden.
Caleb and I spent a fall evening with my sister and her boyfriend. We had a blast drinking apple cider, eating funnel cakes, and painting pumpkins. Caleb and I both painted farm themed pumpkins this year. I'll let it up to you to decide which one you like best...
What Tucker's been up to:
We attended a bonfire with Caleb's family last week. We had a lovely menu of homemade soup, apple dumplings, hot dogs, and s'mores. Tucker really enjoyed eating up all the scraps that dropped on the ground.
He also somehow got himself locked in the chicken coop a few days ago. We searched everywhere for him, calling his name again and again; but he was nowhere to be found. Finally, after about an hour, Caleb found him banging his paws against the chicken coop door trying to get out.
What the others are up to:
Mishka the kitten is getting so big. She's my garden buddy and will chase any bug or leaf she can find. She also likes to take naps while I work in the greenhouse. Overall, she's a pretty good companion.
Since the days are shorter, the hens have really slowed down their egg production. Although we could increase productivity by adding a light to the coop, we think the girls deserve their rest.
As I close, I would like to acknowledge that October hasn't been all fun and games. Often, life seems "perfect" as we glimpse through the window of the internet. Caleb and I currently have a close loved one in the hospital with Covid-19. If you think of it please keep our family in your prayers.
Thanks so much for reading,
Caleb, Abby, Tucker, and the rest of the gang