May on the Farm

Welcome to the farm!
May greeted us with some cool and rainy days, but quickly switched and became unseasonably warm. In fact, the last two weeks, it feels like we've skipped May and gone right into summer. But the warmer weather has sure had its benefits. Plants are flourishing. Trees are covered in green leaves that sway with the breeze. The scents of Lilac and Mock Orange linger throughout the long warm days. My heart is full.
What I've been up to...
One of the highlights of the month was going to my parent's house and making a giant nacho bar for dinner. We spread brown paper over the table, then piled the chips high. The whole family gathered round and dove into our giant pile of nachos.
In the garden we've been able to harvest kale and romaine lettuce. We transplanted our tomatoes and peppers from the greenhouse into the garden and planted our green beans. There are tiny berries forming on the blueberry, raspberry, and strawberry plants. Hopefully, we will soon find plump fresh berries. The herbs are out in full force and I've been drying Sage, Mint, Lemon Balm, and Chamomile for winter teas. My hope is to make homemade blends of herbal teas for Christmas this year. (You have to promise to forget before December!)
I read How to Be a Wild Flower by Katie Daisy this month. It's not a deep read. It's actually more of an inspirational book full of quotes and ideas for spending time in nature; but it was fun to page through! I even pressed a few flowers between my favorite pages. I also listened to Heidi by Johanna Spyri. This is one of my all-time favorite stories and it warms my heart every time I hear it.
What Caleb's been up to...
Caleb started out the month going turkey hunting in the mountains. Unfortunately, he didn't get a turkey, but he was able to see a lot of wildlife. He even had a coyote creep up on him.

Caleb took down the old TV tower that was attached to the side of our house. It looks soooo much better without it! In his spare time, he fixed the spouting on the barn and has been helping a local farmer/friend plant soybeans and unload hay wagons.
May also happens to by my birthday month. Caleb spent the day with me and we hit up some local greenhouses, bakeries, and farmer's markets. Then we came home and he spent the afternoon helping me in the garden and flower beds. We topped it off by sitting in the warm breeze watching the sunset in our rocking chairs. I know what you're thinking and I admit... we're old people at heart! But it was my idea of a perfect day!
What Tucker's been up to...
Tucker is having the best time chasing squirrels and rabbits all over the farm. And I'm happy because it helps keep pests out of the garden. However, he is still learning that plants are fragile. Sadly, I've had a few casualties in my flower beds...
So that's what we've been up to this month. We hope you've enjoyed following along. Leave us a comment about what you've been doing! We love to hear from you!
Thanks for reading,
Caleb, Abby, & Tucker