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March on the Farm

Welcome to the Farm

Although windy with cool temperatures, you can feel the shift. The days are getting longer. The shadows change, as the earth rotates around the sun. You can't deny spring is in the air. The transition from winter, marks the humble beginnings of preparation for the growing season. This month we found ourselves pruning fruit trees and rose bushes, preparing flower beds, and enjoying the first signs of spring. The snow has melted and robins gather in the yard. I am filled with joy as life sprouts up all around me.


What I've been up to...

Last weekend we did one of my most favorite things... We planted trees! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! I'm happy to say, we now have a Bartlett and a Kieffer pear tree tucked into the orchard. It's will be a long time until we enjoy fresh juicy pears, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait! I've also finalized our growing plan for the 2021 garden. This year I am hoping to do a lot more direct sowing and crop rotation.

For my books this month, I finished reading Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking by Samin Nosrat. I would highly recommend it to the home cook who is looking to up their game. Samin does a fantastic job of explaining the science behind good food. I learned a ton and am having fun incorporating some new techniques into my dishes.

I also listened to an audiobook called Saving My Assassin by Virginia Prodan. I don't want to give it away, so I'll just say this: The book drew me in and I feel in love with the main character. It included mystery, suspense, and (of course) a good ending. It also helped me to more deeply appreciate the freedoms we enjoy in America.

In my spare time, I've been taking advantage of the warmer days. I like to go on long walks with my camera and try to capture little glimpses of nature. Tucker is usually my trusty companion. Although I enjoy his company, he has a tendency of ruining my perfect shots. Oh well! Like Grandma always says, "you can't have your cake and eat it too."

I've also been enjoying getting my flower beds ready for the new growth popping up. Crocuses, and Snowdrops are in full bloom. Daffodils and Tulips won't be far behind. It makes me so happy to see their little heads poke through the soil.

What Caleb's been up to...

Caleb has been pruning our fruit trees. It's nice to have him climb the trees and get to the taller limbs. I always look forward to doing this task with him. It allows us to chat and spend extra time outdoors together. (It doesn't get better than that!)

Caleb has also been working to fill in the ditch we created after running a waterline last fall. (You can read more about that here.) He is starting on the usual maintenance and cleanup after winter. He's got the garage cleaned out and the lawn mower tuned up. Part of our chicken run is starting to collapse after a large amount of snow and ice collected on it last month. I guess that's the next project on our list.

In his spare time, he's been fixing up his vintage motorbike and keeping an eye out for pesky ground hogs causing damage to crops and field rows.

What Tucker's been up to...

Tucker went for his first swim of the season and had a blast scaring the living daylights out of a pair of geese. I don't think they appreciated the interruption. He has also been trying to make friends with the newest additions to the farm. Unfortunately for him, they're not too interested...

Tucker got a haircut this month. He pouted for the first few days, but I think he's appreciating it now that the temperature is warming up.


March brings with it many treasures as the earth finally wakes from its winter rest. Ducklings, crocuses, and robins are a few of the wonders I see. They make me grateful to be alive. Grateful for change and seasons. For colors and scents. For birds chirping and sun on my face. For all the things that make life so beautiful.

Let me know what treasures you'll be looking for this month!

Thanks for reading,




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