Let's Grow Together - May Challenge
I'm so glad you're reading this blog post! Today we get to discuss something I absolutely LOVE - growing plants. For our monthly Home in the Hollow Challenge, we are focusing on growing a plant that you love. This can include anything from flowers and herbs to peas and potatoes. I hope you'll join in on the fun!

You may be wondering why you would want put in the effort to garden this season. That's a great question! One of most beneficial things I have found, is that growing plants helps me cultivate gratitude. Thinking about how a tiny seed provides so much for us fills my heart with thankfulness. It also makes me realize that food (and flowers) shouldn't be taken for granted. We are used to convenience. We just go to the supermarket and grab what we want when we want it. But behind the scenes, there are hours of labor spent in raising and producing food (and flowers).
The second reason is that gardening is good for your health - especially your mental health. There are several studies that list an increase in creativity and reduction in depression as benefits of gardening. Some studies are even suggesting it reduces your risk of dementia. Spending time in the sunshine is simply good for the soul!
Of course, the most fun reason for growing plants is their practical use. Herbs can be turned into teas. Flowers can be set around the house in lovely arrangements, and vegetables can be added to meals shared with friends and family. The feeling you get when you are enjoying something that you grew is like nothing else!
What to Grow?
This challenge does not mean you need to go out and start a huge garden (although I do highly recommend that). You can quite easily grow plants in containers or even in your windowsill. The point of this challenge is to encourage us to be active participants in enjoying nature and developing a grateful view of the world around us.
Start by evaluating your space - if you only have a windowsill then settle for growing herbs, sprouts, or a potted flower. If you have a large amount of space branch out and grow whatever your heart desires. Just remember, you will be limited based on your climate and which seeds/plants you choose. You can't grow a watermelon in April (at least in Pennsylvania) but you can grow peas or spinach. A quick google search will have you on your way.

How to Grow it?
Some plants are fussy (I'm looking at you orchids) and others are easy keepers. If you're not sure what grows well in your area ask a friend who's into gardening. They can often give starts from their garden or recommend plants that would do well at your home.
As a rule of thumb, most plants need two things - sunshine and water. Make sure you get at least six hours of sunlight (unless the plant is specifically listed as shade loving and requires less). Water is slightly trickier, particularly if you choose container gardening. Just remember, most plants need to be watered regularly, but don't like their "feet wet." Let the soil fully drain before watering again.
A lot of plants can also benefit from compost or fertilizers. Understanding soil health can really up your gardening game. I'm not going to cover soil health and fertilizers today. But just know that hard rocky ground will need some extra TLC. Next week I'll be sharing some of my favorite gardening resources so don't sweat the details. More info to come! The most important part is starting! So, get out there and plant some seeds in the ground!
Leave us a comment and let us know what you're planning to grow this season! Can't wait to hear from you!
Happy Gardening,