Let Me Introduce Myself
It's been a while since I've shown my face on the blog, so I thought I'd share an introduction that I posted to my Instagram account a few weeks ago:

I've been trying to think of an introduction or some interesting facts about myself. And you know what I've discovered?
It is hard to sum yourself up into nice tidy sentences. To fit yourself into a tiny box on a screen. Does anyone else feel that?
How do I explain that my favorite smell is the changing of the seasons? The smell of springtime dirt. The smell of freshly cut grass. The smell of dying leaves and freshly baked bread.
How do I explain the joy I find watching the sunset with my husband? The excitement of digging new potatoes? Or the contentment of watching a calf nurse?
How do I explain that my favorite feeling is the freedom in the breeze? How do I show you my most cherished memories of those I love? How do I give you the treasures I find in the fields, woods, and flowerbeds?
How do I explain to you that my life is deeply rooted in faith? That my very existence is shaped by the understanding of who Jesus is...
To be completely honest, Instagram (or a blog) is a shallow representation of who someone actually is. I often feel frustrated by it. A few sentences can't summarize a full life.
But the more I think about it, the more I realize that I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to share on this platform.
Thankful because it allows us to interact with each other. Thankful because it allows me to see a small piece of your life. Thankful because it sparks conversations that can grow into more.
So here's to sharing curated squares. To comments and likes. Here's to the superficial. May they lead to deeper moments that will never be shared on a screen.
Thanks for reading,