January on the Farm

Winter can be cold, dark, and dreary. I hope this post brings you some sunshine, as I share what we're up to this month.
Welcome to the Farm
January - out with the old and in with the new. A time for beginnings; for hopes and dreams about the year ahead. A time for planning, cleaning, and organizing.
Frosted windows greet the morning sun. Snowflakes tumble to the ground causing a hush to fall on the world around them. Boots line up by the door. Piles of hats and scarves lay scattered between puddles of melted snow. The hum of a snowmobile drifts across the fields. Extra blankets fill the beds. Piping hot soup or a steaming cup of tea are welcomed on the cold nights. These are the sights and sounds of January on the farm.

“January always inspires me to start fresh - cleaning, planning and making lists. It's like turning the page on a new chapter.”
What I've been up to...
Over the past few weeks, I've been enjoying the slower pace of life. The rush of the holidays has past and we begin a new chapter. I notice myself trying new recipes or devoting time to hobbies that find themselves forgotten in busier seasons.
I am especially happy to use my time planning for the spring growing season. Memories of long summer days in the garden fill my mind. I make note of what grew best last year, and what I want to change for the season ahead. Then it's time to hit the seed catalogs. Don't those glossy pages make your heart flutter?
This year's seed order included: Green Beans, Carrots, Kale, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cucumbers for our veggie garden. The order for the flower garden: Poppies, Pansies, Gomphrena, Aster, Nasturtium, Calendula, and Black-eyed Susan Vine. I can't wait to add these lovelies to the garden!
In addition to seed shopping, I've been organizing closets and rearranging furniture in our house. Isn't it crazy how stuff creeps up on you, and before you know it you have to organize again!?! Organizing is one of my least favorite tasks, but when it's done, I just love how it makes a space look and feel! I suppose it's worth the pain... January always inspires me to start fresh - cleaning, planning, and making lists. It's like opening a new book.

What Caleb's been up to...
Caleb is still working full-time, and has been using his spare time to build a custom oak cabinet for his grandparents. He also keeps busy, tending the woodstove, working at odd welding jobs, and crow hunting.
A few weeks ago, we had about 10 inches of snow. Caleb spent a couple hours, and was able to get his old snowmobile running. We had a blast zooming up the slopes and zipping across the fields. You feel so alive when the wind whips around you and the cold nips at your nose.
What Tucker's been up to...
Tucker generally spends his days napping on the mat by the door, and sounding the alarm if someone drives back the lane. He was thrilled when we had the snowstorm. He had a grand old time running, jumping, and rolling in the snow. He definitely doesn't mind the cold weather!
January usually gets a bad rap. But really, it's not so bad. Make the most of cold evenings by cozying in early, lighting candles, or working on hobbies. Often, we miss the gifts that winter brings. Having a little extra time to read or relax is a much-needed break from the frantic pace of spring, summer, and fall.
So, tell me, how do you spend January?
As always, thanks for reading!