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Come Get in the Fall Spirit With Me

I don't know about you, but I've been having a difficult time getting into the fall spirit. Maybe it's because we're having the warmest October on record in our area. Or maybe I'm just over all the cliché pumpkin spice and cozy sweaters that seem to be pushed at me from every direction. Either way, today I am sharing the resources I've been using to help embrace the changing seasons. For those of you who read to the end I have a special seasonal thank you. Be sure to check it out!



Spending time outdoors is one of the best ways to enjoy the season. I like to take walks and notice how the shadows are changing their angles. How the breeze is cooler. The days shorter. The air more crisp. Taking time to notice the small shifts around me helps me to appreciate the beauty of autumn.

When decorating for fall I like to use the things I find in nature. Dried flowers and herbs, sticks, leaves, gourds, bittersweet, and rosehips are a few of my favorites. But truly, the sky is the limit! Have fun finding treasures to give that cozy autumn vibe to your space.

If you need some additional visual inspiration, check out these videos:


Anyone who knows me understands my deep affinity for having the perfect background music, podcast, or audiobook playing. These are a few of my favorite sounds for the fall season.


Pumpkin spice is very nice, but this girl prefers apple cider. Simmer some apple cider with a pinch of cinnamon on the stove, and your home will be smelling fantastic!

I also really love burning beeswax candles in the fall. The faint smell of honey and the memory of the bees visiting flowers from the sunny days gone by give me all the feels! I like to get my beeswax candles from Hallelujah Hive. They're a local company and are dedicated to using clean and responsible practices with all of their products. You can check out Hallelujah Hive here.


Over the summer I try not to use the oven. Partly because we don't have central air in our house, and partly because I often don't feel like eating heavier meals. But that all changes when fall arrives. Que the apple dumplings, stews, homemade breads, and pot-roasts. Fall is the time to enjoy the bounties of harvest. And heartier meals are perfect for brisk nights. You can check out my blog posts for Homemade Applesauce and Easy Rustic Maple Oat Bread here.


The types of clothing and textures we wear changes with the seasons. Come fall, I like to wear similar colors to what I find in nature. Browns, mustard yellows, burnt orange, and gray are all perfect. Fall is also the time I try to ditch lighter fabrics and incorporate heavier fabrics like wool, denim, and leather.

I personally love a vintage inspired look and have included two videos below if you're interested on finding some new inspiration for your fall wardrobe.


I hope you've enjoyed reading about what I've been using to welcome the fall season to our home.

And now, as promised, here is your special fall themed download that I created for you. In the PDF you will find an inspirational drawing that I've made. Feel free to print it, cut it, and add it to journals or use it to create your own fall themed artwork. Click the link below to download.

Thanks for reading,




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