7 Free Things to do with Your Valentine
Valentine's Day is almost here! But to be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with the holiday. In one sense I love that we have a day to celebrate those we love. On the other hand, I hate the Hollywood glamor and unrealistic expectations that Valentine's Day is associated with.
I am a fervent believer that you don't have to spend tons of money to enjoy being with someone you love. It has nothing to do with where you go, or what you do, but everything to do with perspective. A mental shift focusing on appreciating your spouse can change the entire relationship.
Take time to remember the way their eyes crinkle when they smile. Or the time they helped you out of a tough situation. Focus on the lovely things and you will realize what a unique, special, and wonderfully made person you have in your life.

With that in mind, I've created a list of ideas that you can do with your sweetheart for Valentine's Day. Although this list is geared towards couples, some of these ideas could be tweaked and used with a friend or family member. Valentine's Day isn't only for couples. Everyone deserves to know they're loved!
1. Try something new together - Maybe it's a new dish like Ramen bowls or frog legs. Perhaps it's a new hiking trail or movie. When you choose to do something new together it helps to build memories and shared experiences which strengthens your relationship. So, skip the routine and opt for an adventure instead.
2. Share dinner -
Sound easy right? You're thinking "I do this every night." I know, I know. But this dinner is different. Send the kiddos to grandma's and sit down across from your spouse. Make eye contact. Turn off the phone, computer, TV, and whatever other distractions are around. Actually listen to what your spouse is saying. If you're having trouble getting started on some interesting topics here are a few starter questions:
What's the best advice you were ever given?
If peanut butter was not called peanut butter, what would it be called?
What is your biggest goal in life?
Which is the best type of bread?
What two completely normal things would be weird if you did them at the same time?
3. Look through an old photo album together -
Take time to reminisce. Remember the good and the challenging things you've been through together. If you happen to be looking through an old wedding album why not eat some "wedding cake" while browsing the pages?

4. Foot or Shoulder Rub -
Nothing feels nicer than having your shoulders or feet rubbed after a hard day of work! As a bonus, your brain releases Oxytocin (a bonding hormone) which causes you to feel close and connected to your spouse.
5. Build something together -
Maybe it's a Lego city, a puzzle, or a garden bed. Whatever you choose, you will be able to share a sense of accomplishment over your finished product.
6. Laugh together -
It feels AMAZING just to lighten up and laugh with a loved one! Find some funny YouTube videos, memes, or stories and cuddle up on the couch for some giggles.
7. Go for a Drive -
He chooses one turn. She chooses the next. See where you end up. You may discover somewhere new and exciting.
Valentine's Day doesn't need to be a big production, but it is a good opportunity to remember that love is something to be celebrated.
If you have any other suggestions to add to the list I'd love to hear them!
Thanks for reading,