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10 Tips for a More Restful Life

Ahh, summer! Warm weather, more daylight - what’s not to love? Summer is a busy season – vacations, gardening, picnics, parties, and many other things fill our schedules. Not to mention the endless list of tasks all begging for our time.

I’ve recently been challenged to become more purposeful with my time. To be honest, I struggle with overloading my schedule. I just can’t keep up with all of the good things I want to be involved with. I know I am not alone. So many of us rush from one thing to the next, often with the best of intentions. But we can’t seem to shake the tired and burnt-out feeling that follows us.

As I’ve been thinking about this issue, I created a list of 10 things that will help me to create a more peaceful and slower paced life. I hope this list is helpful for you too!


1. Take control of your time -

We’re each given the same 24 hours per day. How we use it is up to us. Consider setting limits on TV time, social media, or leisure activities. It can be so easy for me to waste time! I look down at my phone, send an email, answer a text, “Oh look Pinterest…” The next thing I know, it’s an hour later and I haven’t gotten anything productive done. Being conscious of how/where I spend my time is the first step in living intentionally. I must recognize that I am responsible for my time and spend it on things that reflect my values.

2. Switch up your morning –

I recently changed my morning routine. I found myself rushing out the door feeling stressed and like I was running off to work. It made me feel stressed out and agitated as I started my day. Thankfully, I was able to evaluate and switch up my routine. I now have time to eat a full breakfast and even have a few extra minutes to spare before walking out the door. I would encourage you to create a routine that works for you. Personally, I love to eat breakfast and read my Bible before going to work. I am much more relaxed (less hangry) and prepared for the day with a few minutes of peace and quiet. Your routine is going to look different, but what’s important is making it a good way to start your day.

3. Create a plan for your day –

I know some of you free spirits are getting upset right now; but hear me out. Creating a plan (even if it’s just mentally), will help you become waaaay more productive. Prioritize what MUST get done today and decide what you will tackle first. Allot a set amount of time for a project. When time’s up, move to next on the list. I can tell a huge difference when I plan out my days. I get more done, and I have time to slow down and pursue my hobbies and interests.

4. Do the worst job first –

My mama always said “Eat that frog.” But I still struggle with this one. Especially with cleaning the bathroom… Ugh! The unbearable household chore. It feels like such a waste of time because I know I’ll be doing the same thing again next week. But c’est la vie.

When I don’t get right to it, I end up distracted with another task. I spend all day dreading the scrubbing the toilet and wiping the floor. Mama’s words ring true. If I had cleaned first thing, I wouldn’t have spent all day with a dark cloud hanging over my head.

5. Learn to say “no” –

This might just be the hardest one on the list. That simple little word can make me feel so guilty. On the other hand, overloading my schedule takes the joy out of activities/commitments. It also makes me feel rundown and tired. I’m learning to prioritize and participate in the things that reflect my values or the things I enjoy.

Saying no might mean skipping the wedding of an acquaintance, giving up a volunteering opportunity, or choosing one sports activity instead of two. Saying no means blocking out time so that we can keep up with our responsibilities and also have time to unwind and relax. I would like to highlight that saying no is NOT an excuse for “I don’t feel like it” or “I don’t want to.” Saying no is about using our time wisely and doing our best with the responsibilities we have.

6. Be purposeful with free time –

Make time for things you enjoy. Everyone needs a little time dedicated to a hobby or interest. Relaxing is important. Read a book, go for a hike, listen to music, draw, paint, sew… the list is endless. Use this time to create, learn, and grow. You will feel refreshed and inspired if you do.

7. Practice Gratitude –

There is nothing simpler than stopping to enjoy a sunrise, the scent of fresh laundry, or a warm blanket on a cold night. Take time to notice and be thankful for the everyday blessings. Practice an attitude of gratitude.

8. Take a “rest day” each week –

Caleb and I take one day a week to rest and enjoy life. Typically, we choose Sunday. (The day really doesn’t matter. I work in healthcare so I realize weekends aren’t an option for everyone.) We try to keep our Sundays at a slower pace. We don’t set an alarm in the morning and we eat a nice breakfast. Church is also a big part of our Sunday. Something about sitting quietly, giving thanks to God, and singing songs of worship energizes my soul. In the afternoons, we will spend time with family playing games, spend time outdoors and occasionally we’ll even slip in a nap.

If you aren’t already doing this, I would highly recommend it. I always feel so refreshed and more prepared to take on a new week. Your day may look different; that’s totally fine. But, do yourself a favor and take time to recharge.

9. Find joy in solitude –

This one can also be tough for me. I am a multitasker extraordinaire. But we need time in quietness. Even just 10 minutes driving without the radio or sitting silently on the front porch can make a difference. Empty your brain. Let go of worries. Notice and enjoy the sights, sounds, and scents around you. Focus on being present. Life is an incredible gift and sometimes we lose sight of that in the hustle and bustle of life.

10. Don’t try to do it all –

I have to remind myself of this all the time. I am not superwoman! We can run ourselves ragged striving after “perfect” when “perfect” isn’t a reality. Give yourself a little grace. And if everything doesn’t get done this week, I promise we will all still survive!


Those are the thoughts of my heart recently. I hope you will join with me in cultivating an intentional life filled with gratitude. Let’s make it a priority to take time to rest and enjoy life to its fullest.

If you have any other suggestions for living a restful life please share them in the comments below.

Thanks for reading,




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